Thursday, October 22, 2020

Немножко о Вашингтоне. Нет, не DC.

You know the Vitamin d deficiency struggle is real. 
You know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Sammamish, Enumclaw and Issaquah. 
You avoid driving through Seattle at all costs. 
You know what a Geoduck is. 
You consider swimming an indoor sport. 
You see a person carrying an umbrella and instantly think tourist. 
Your lawn is mostly moss and you don't really care. 
Honking your car horn is for absolute emergencies. 
You're EXTREMELY picky about your coffee. 
“The mountain is out today", isn't a strange statement. 
While out of state you just tell people you're from Seattle since that's the only known city in Washington according to the rest of the world. 
You remember Almost Live. 
You've eaten in the Space Needle, and while it was delicious, you're never paying $50 for a meal in the sky again. 
You rarely wash your car because it's just going to get washed by the rain tomorrow. 
You're used to the phrase "No, not DC" when telling out of staters where you're from. 
Northface is always in fashion. 
You take a warm coat and a hat with you got for a day at the beach. 
You have mastered the art of doing everything in the rain, because, well, Washington. 
You play the "no you go" at four-way stop. 
You have had both the thought of how beautiful Mount Rainier is, while simultaneously accepting that it will probably kill you someday. 
You get a little twitchy if it's been more than a week since it last rained. 
You believe Twilight ruined Forks. 
You can say Humptulips, Lilliwap and Dosewallips without giggling.

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